The Joyspotters Society

Some joyful news: Ingrid Fetell Lee, author of the book Joyful (which I’ve talked about before: here and here), is launching a free group focused on joy called “The Joyspotters Society”!

You can read the full post on her blog, but here are some quotes from it to give you the essentials:

What she says about why she’s launching the group:

“One thing that’s been heartening in the midst of this crisis has been to see how many of you are reaching for joy right now. While it can sometimes be hard to focus on joy during the midst of struggle, joy can also break through our stress and anxiety, offering moments of connection, lightness, and relief. These moments don’t have to be big. Even tiny slivers of joy can be like flashes of light in the darkness, and have been shown by research to help us cope with adversity and become more resilient. Which is why the simple practice of joyspotting feels more vital to me now than ever. … one thing that I know many joyspotters have been craving more of is community — especially right now, when physical distancing is creating a very real sense of isolation. … we know from research that sharing a moment of joy with others magnifies the joy we find in that experience. When we share joy, it multiplies! …

 “My intent is that The JoySpotters Society be a place you can come at any time to find something that gives your spirits a lift. … I know that as a community, we could build a much bigger collection of joyful inspiration than I can alone. … I can’t tell you how many times people ask me, ‘Where can I go to find other people like me, who are interested in creating joy in the world?’ I hope that The Joyspotters Society will be this place.”

What it includes:

  • “Weekly joyspotting themes to inspire you to keep an eye out for joy

  • Community spotlights featuring joyspotters and joymakers

  • Live sessions with me (and occasional guest experts) on relevant topics

  • Sneak peeks at new resources and other offerings before they’re released publicly”

She also has a free “Joyspotter’s guide” available on her website, which has 12 tips for finding more joy in the world around you.

Here’s to finding more joy in our everyday lives! It can make tough times easier to handle, ordinary times extraordinary, and good times great.  

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