Seeking Small Comforts

What a year, y’all. And it’s not over yet! I’ve been quiet here for a while, because I just haven’t had the brain capacity to write anything coherent. But I had a thought today, and I wanted to share it in case you find it helpful.

I haven’t had a lot of success with seeking joy in the past few months. I don’t know about you, but most days take so much energy just to get through, that joy feels like a bridge too far! Instead, I’ve found it much easier to look for small comforts—something really simple like slowly sipping a cup of tea, escaping into a good book, or going outside to sit in the sunshine. These actions take minimal time and effort, but they make a really big difference in how I feel. Here’s a link to an article I wrote in February about quick and easy ways to boost your mood, if you’d like some more ideas.

I hope that all is as well as it can be in your world. I would love to hear your favorite small comforts, if you want to share!
