A Gratitude Experiment

I’ve talked about master healer Sonia Sommer’s “Wellness Wednesday” newsletters in previous posts, and shared some wonderful ideas. Here’s one from a recent email about the power of being grateful, which I found really helpful. As I’ve written about before, gratitude is incredibly beneficial, and I’m always looking for ways to help myself remember to practice it.

 The Gratitude Experiment

By Sonia Sommer

 Stop trying to control everything outside yourself.

 You cannot.

 All your power lies within.

 Your perspective changes your life.

 Therefore, begin every day in deep gratitude for everything exactly as it is.

 Gratitude is not a passive response to life.

 Gratitude is an elevated state of being that changes your entire world.

 But don't take my word for it.

 Do an experiment: commit to 30 days of unconditional gratitude and see what happens.

You probably know this already. 

 But knowing and doing are two completely different things.

 It's what we do consistently, every single day, that creates our life.

 If you want to truly experience the magic of life, make a commitment now.

This topic came up today because I am seeing so many clients trying desperately to control things. Placing all kinds of conditions on life in order to feel ok. It is futile and a waste of your precious energy. Life is much easier than that.

If this applies to you, do the gratitude experiment.

If it doesn't apply to you, do the gratitude experiment. You're probably already doing it, in which case we thank you for lifting us up with you.

Experiment tips:

  • Immediately upon waking, place your hand on your heart and say "Good morning soul. I love you my soul." Be thankful that you are alive, you have a body. Think of 5 things for which you are grateful and feel that state arise within.

  • After you get up, meditate until you are in love with your life and feel a deep sense of gratitude. It may take an hour. It may take 10 minutes. 

  • Go to your journal and write down your gratitudes. Write at least 5. Two of them should be difficult things in your life for which you must find gratitude. What is the lesson, what could be the gift in the challenge that you don't yet understand? 

  • Throughout your day, stop and cultivate gratitude and a sense of awe.

Watch this amazing video for some inspiration.


If you try this gratitude experiment, let me know how it goes!
